Found: 6745 articles

Article Edition
E.A. Orlova, Yu.A. Kandrashkina, E.M. Kostina
Neuroimmune interactions in the pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis: current state of the problem
№8 / 2021
S.E. Zhufina (1), K.A. Fomin (1), E.V. Svechnikova (1, 2)
Analysis of comorbid conditions and tolerability of treatment with genetically engineered biological drugs and methotrexate in patients with psoriasis
№8 / 2021
I.S. Burashnikova
The rationale for the combined use of genetically engineered biological drugs in patients with COVID-19
№8 / 2021
I.S. Burashnikova
The rationale for re-administration of genetically engineered biological drugs in patients with COVID-19
№8 / 2021
E.V. Lubennikova (1), L.G. Zhukova (2), O.O. Gordeeva (1), N.Ts. Drobot (1), A.V. Kuznetsov (3), I.P. Ganshina (1)
Olaparib – modern approach to the treatment of BRCA-associated HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer. Clinical experience
№7 / 2021
T.Yu. Semiglazova (1, 2), Yu.V. Alekseeva (1), E.V. Tkachenko (1), S.M. Sharashenidze (1), I.A. Baldueva (1), S.A. Volchenkov (1), A.K. Kovyazin (1), L.V. Filatova (1, 2), B.S. Kasparov (1), V.V. Semiglazov (1, 3), S.A. Protsenko (1), V.N. Anisimov (1), A.M. Belyaev (1, 3)
Features of examination and systemic treatment of malignant neoplasms in gerontological patients
№7 / 2021
A.U. Gekhaev (1, 2), F.S. Isakova (3), E.T. Gappoeva (1)
Morphometric aspects of precancerous laryngeal hyperplastic lesions
№7 / 2021
E.V. Artemieva (1), F.V. Moiseenko (1, 2, 3), N.M. Volkov (1), V.V. Egorenkov (1), N.Kh. Abduloeva (1), A.A. Bogdanov (1), A.S. Zhabina (1, 2), N.V. Levchenko (1), V.M. Moiseenko (1)
Effectiveness of a shortened cycle of monoimmunotherapy in non-small cell lung cancer
№7 / 2021
A.V. Novik (1, 2), A.B. Danilova (1), T.L. Nekhaeva (1), N.V. Emelyanova (1), A.I. Semenova (1), D.Kh. Latipova (1), G.M. Teletaeva (1), S.A. Protsenko (1), I.A. Baldueva (1)
Assessment of the dynamics of immunological parameters at the beginning of therapy as prognostic and predictive factors in patients with melanoma
№7 / 2021
G.G. Khakimova (1, 2), A.A. Tryakin (3), T.N. Zabotina (3)
Dynamics of indicators of systemic and local immunity during treatment in patients with gastric cancer
№7 / 2021
N.P. Belyak (1, 2), R.V. Orlova (1, 2), S.I. Kutukova (1, 3), N.V. Zhukova (1, 2), A.A. Sarmatov (2), T.S. Kesaev (1)
Assessment of the prognostic significance of clinical and morphological factors for the survival of patients with locally advanced gastric cancer after radical surgical treatment: the experience of the Russian Center
№7 / 2021
N.A. Brish (1), T.Yu. Semiglazova (1, 2), A.M. Karachun (1, 2), E.V. Tkachenko (1), A.S. Artemieva (1), L.N. Shevkunov (1), Ya.A. Ulyanchenko (1), T.S. Golovanova (1), Yu.V. Alekseeva (1), S.M. Sharashenidze (1), L.V. Strakh (3), L.V. Filatova (1, 2), V.V. Semiglazov (1, 3), B.S. Kasparov (1), S.A. Protsenko (1), A.M. Belyaev (1, 2)
Impact of nutritional deficiency and sarcopenia on the efficacy of neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced gastric cancer: a retrospective study
№7 / 2021

Бионика Медиа