The «Farmateka» journal publishes literature reviews, clinical guidelines, information on new drugs and treatment approaches, practical notes, and original research on the clinical use of various drugs and therapies.
Articles and other materials should be sent to the editorial office by e-mail:
Also, articles be can sent to the address: «Farmateka» journal, "Bionika Media" Ltd Publishing House, 30/1 Obrucheva str., Build. 2, Moscow, 117485
Articles printed in standard font 14 with 1.5 line-spacing are accepted to examination; figures should be provided separately. The article should contain the official referral of the institution in which the work was carried out. Visa and the signature of the research supervisor, certified by the round seal of the institution should be on the first page of article; on the last page - the signatures of all authors, confirming the right of publication of the article in a journal and posting on the publisher’s website. In addition, copies of authorship certificates, certificates for innovation proposal or grant of release are required if these documents are mentioned in the text of the article.
All previously scanned supporting documents must be sent by e-mail to the address:, or to the postal address of the editorial board (see above).
The article should include:
At the end of the article, information about the conflict of interest and the source of funding should be disclosed.
The title of the article should be succinct and concise, and fully reflect the essence of the material presented. The use of invented names of drugs is not allowed in the article title. The study design should be added to the title of the original articles.
Information about the authors
The names and initials of the authors of the article should be indicated in two languages.
The names of the institutions are specified in full, including the postal address.
If more than one institution took part in the article, it is necessary to make footnotes 1, 2, 3 .., according to the authors' belonging to these institutions.
Information about the corresponding author must contain: full name, academic degree, position, place of work (including the postal address and the post code of the institution), contacts (e-mail, phone). The ORCID/Scopus ID of all authors are also required. It is strongly recommended (in the interests of the authors) to indicate the individual code of the researcher, which can be obtained by registering with the ORCID system ( This will allow to avoid possible citation losses.
Example of the corresponding author’s information (in two languages):
Автор для связи: М.Б. Анциферов, д.м.н., проф., главный врач ГБУЗ «Эндокринологический диспансер» Департамента здравоохранения г. Москвы, Москва, Россия; e-mail:; ORCID:; eLibrary SPIN: 1035–4773
Адрес: 119034, Россия, Москва, ул. Пречистенка, 37
Corresponding author: Mikhail B. Antsiferov, MD, Professor, Physician of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia; e-mail:; ORCID:; eLibrary SPIN: 1035–4773
Address: 37, Prechistenka Street, Moscow 119034, Russian Federation
The abstract should be no more than is 250–500 words. For all articles except literature reviews and clinical guidelines, the abstract should be structured. For original articles, it should include background, objective, methods, results, conclusion; for an article with a clinical example: background, description of a clinical case, conclusion).
Also, abstract should include "key words" (from 5 to 15 words), contributing to article indexing in data retrieval systems. For choosing keywords, we recommend using the MeSH keywords dictionary (
General requirements
The approximate size of the original article should be about 7–8 pages, for brief communication and notes from the practice - 3-4 pages. Reviews should not exceed 12 pages. For various types of articles, there are corresponding templates for design and structuring presented on the publisher’s website in Russian and English languages.
Templates for execution of articles: a clinical example, a review, the original article.
Articles describing clinical examples must contain the following sections: background, description of the clinical case, discussion, conclusion. Original articles should include sections: background, objective, methods, results, discussion, conclusion or conclusions.
For writing original articles we recommend using the CONSORT standards; for systematic reviews and meta-analyses - PRISMA standards. It is also recommended to use the study guide Popova N.G., Koptyaeva N.N. (2014) Akademicheskoe pis’mo: stat’i IMRAD [Academic Writing: IMRAD papers]. Study guide for postgraduates and research fellows of natural-science specialities. Yekaterinburg: Institute of Philosophy and Law Publ., 160 p. (In Russ.).
Statistical analysis: The statistical methods in the study should be described in the section “Statistical Analysis” at the end of the section “Methods”. Their description should be as detailed as necessary to assess their adequacy and confirm the results obtained by knowledgeable readers, provided access to relevant data. The description and presentation of the results of statistical analysis should be performed in accordance with the "Statistical Analysis and Methods in Published Literature" (SAMPL) Guidelines.
Articles should use the SI system.
The use of abbreviations in the text of the article is not allowed, except for generally accepted abbreviations of chemical and mathematical quantities, terms. All abbreviations (with the exception of units of measurement) are used only after the first mention of the full name of the term. Special terms should be given in Russian translation, and author should use only words generally accepted in scientific literature. The use of foreign words in the Russian version in the "own" transcription is absolutely prohibited.
In all publications, only international nonproprietary names (INN) of medicinal products should be used. The exceptions include: combined drugs, multicomponent drugs, herbal medicinal products or products of animal origin.
The citations given in the article should be carefully verified; the reference should specify the source, its name, year, issue, page, DOI.
Before being sent to the editors, the article should be edited and verified by the author. The presentation should be clear, without long introductions and repetitions.
The article should not exceed 3/4 of the author's sheet (30 thousand characters).
Each table should have a title and an order number according to its reference in the text. References to tables in text should be given in italics parenthetically (Table 1). Columns in the table should have short headings. All explanations, including interpretation of abbreviations, should be placed in footnotes. If the table is taken from the Internet or a PDF file, it is necessary to type it manually (tables in the form of photos are not accepted). Borrowed tables should have source reference
Tables should be built visually and correspond to the contents of the graph. Columns in the table should have short headers. All figures, totals and percentages in the tables should be carefully verified by the author and correspond to the figures in the text. The units of measurement must be specified to all indicators in Russian.
The figure file format should be tiff or jpeg, file extension - from 300 dpi, size - from 1 MB. The numbering of the figures should be given in Arabic numerals in parentheses according to the order in which they are mentioned in the text. The figure caption should be located immediately after the drawing. The figure caption should be consisted of the title and “legend” (explanations of parts of the figure, symbols, arrows and its other details in Russian). Graphs and charts should not contain text label overload.
Figures in the form of graphs, diagrams must be supplemented with digital data in the form of Excel spreadsheet, because in accordance with the technology of preparing the layout of the journal for printing, such figures are painted again by the artist of the publishing house, and not simply copied.
When using borrowed figures, citation is required; if figure is borrowed from a foreign publication, Russian translation of all designations in the figure and an indication ... is adapted to [source number cited in the reference list] are required.
Reference list
Correct indication of the sources used in the reference lists ensures that the cited publication will be taken into account when evaluating the scientific activities of its authors and organizations where they work.
References attached to the article should include the fundamental or most relevant works of domestic and foreign authors over the last 5-7 years. The only exceptions are rare high-informative works. The original articles should cite no more than 30 sources, the reviews - no more than 50 sourses.
Sources are listed STRICTLY IN THE ORDER OF Citing (references to them in the text), i.e. 1, 2, 3, etc., NOT in alphabetical order, and are indicated in Arabic numerals in square brackets. In the references list, each source comes from a new line with its own serial number. References to works that are not in the list of references and vice versa are not allowed: all documents to which the authors refer in the text should be included in the reference list; references to works unpublished in press and official electronic publications, as well as to works from way back are not allowed.
The reference list is made according to the rules of drawing up references (bibliography) for authors taking into account the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
In order to increase the citation of authors, the journal is transliterated for Russian-language sources (the authors and the name of the journal are transliterated using encodings, and the title of the article/book is translated into English). For transliteration, one of the BSI online services is used. The names of foreign authors are given in the original transcription.
As required by international databases, at the end of the literary reference, English-language and Russian-language (where available), it is necessary to affix a digital object identifier - the DOI index - in order to increase the relevance and citation of scientific works.
Examples of reference list:
References should follow the format recommended by the National Information Standards Organization (NISO) approved by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for databases (Library's MEDLINE / PubMed database) NLM: http: //www.nlm.
The names of Russian publications must be written completely without abbreviations to ensure citation in international databases.
Journal title abbreviations should be consistent with Index Medicus.
References to thesis research, abstracts and autoabstracts are not recognized by the international community, therefore they should be given only in exceptional cases.
The author is solely responsible for the accuracy of the references list.
If a literary reference has obvious inaccuracies or is not mentioned in the text of the article, the editors reserve the right to exclude it from the reference list.
Special requirements
The author must sign the article. A collective article must be signed by all authors indicating the role of each.
For example:
By putting his signature under the article, the author thereby transfers to the editorial board the right to publish it, guarantees its originality and certifies that neither the article nor the figures to it have been published before or sent to other publications for release. When determining authorship, it is recommended to follow the ICJME criteria.
The authors can thank the persons and organizations that contributed to the preparation of the article.
Information on sources of funding
It is necessary to indicate the source of funding for the study, the preparation of a review or lecture (the name of the planned study preformed for national reasons, the grant number and the name of the foundation, a commercial or state organization, etc.). Specification of the amount of funding is not required.
Conflict of interest
The presence or absence of a potential conflict of interest (for example, competing interests that, in the opinion of the author, may have a direct or indirect influence on the publication process) (see ICJME recommendations) should be declared.
Examination and publication of manuscripts
The decision to publish the materials sent to the journal is made by the editorial board and scientific editors of the «Farmateka» journal.
When reviewing received manuscripts, the editors of the journal are guided by the “Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” (Intern. Committee of medical journal editors. Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals. Ann Intern Med. 1997; 126: 36–47), EASE principles and the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity. (
The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit articles. Articles previously published or sent to another journal are not accepted for publication. Articles that do not meet these requirements may be returned to authors without examination.
The fee for the publication of manuscripts is not charged.
The editorial staff also helps in the preparation and publication of books and manuals.
For any questions, please contact the editorial office: tel. 8(909)150-02-82; e-mail: