Found: 6745 articles

Article Edition
E.V. Bakhidze (1, 2), V.A. Belyaeva (3), A.A. Domansky (1), N.A. Mikaya (1), I.V. Berlev (1, 2)
Pharmacotherapy and surgical treatment of adult granulosa cell ovarian tumors: analysis of own and literature data
№7 / 2019
N.P. Belyak (1, 2), S.I. Kutukova (1, 3), R.V. Orlova (1, 2), N.V. Zhukova (1, 2), S.P. Erdniev (1), E.Yu. Zorina (1), I.V. Avramenko (1), N.Yu. Antimonik (1), N.V. Popova (1), A.K. Ivanova (1), A.V. Androsova (1)
The use of ramukirumab in the treatment of metastatic gastric cancer in real clinical practice
№7 / 2019
N.N. Buevich (1), S.A. Protsenko (1), A.K. Nosov (1), S.A. Reva (1, 2), A.S. Artemyeva (1), M.V. Berkut (1)
Intermediate assessment of the results of a clinical study of a neoadjuvant combined treatment of patients with high-risk and very high-risk prostate cancer
№7 / 2019
I.A. Baldueva (1), A.V. Novik (1, 2)
The role of peripheral blood immunological parameters as predictive markers in cancer patients: the prognostic role of the neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio
№7 / 2019
A.E. Zhukova, S.A. Protsenko, A.V. Novik, D.O. Yurlov
Prognostic markers for testicular germ cell tumors. Research perspectives
№7 / 2019
T.Yu. Semiglazova (1, 2), I.V. Sorokina (3)
Prognostic and predictive values of the PIK3CA gene mutation in patients with breast cancer
№7 / 2019
A.V. Murashko, M.G. Sonich, I.Yu. Sulina, S.A. Timofeev, A.I. Ishchenko
Clinical example of management and delivery of a pregnant woman with HELLP syndrome
№6 / 2019
A.S. Molotkov (1, 2), M.I. Yarmolinskaya (1, 3), V.A. Suchkova (1)
Uterine rupture during labor after combined treatment of infiltrative endometriosis: a case report
№6 / 2019
Ya.A. Petrosyan, T.R. Mamedova, A.G. Syrkasheva, E.A. Kalinina
IVF program with donor oocytes for a woman in persistent postmenopause: clinical observation
№6 / 2019
G.B. Dikke
Probiotics in the restoration of normal vaginal microbiocenosis and prevention of bacterial infections recurrent
№6 / 2019
N.I. Stuklov (1, 2), A.A. Mitchenkova (1), M.S. Kovalchuk (1)
Anemia of pregnancy. Hematologist’s view
№6 / 2019
V.S. Fomin (1, 2, 3), V.D. Lutsenko (2), T.Z. Oveshnikova (2), M.N. Fomina (1, 3)
The current state of the issue of prevention and treatment of postoperative intestinal paralysis in obstetric practice
№6 / 2019

Бионика Медиа