Found: 5 articles

Article Edition
Bontsevich R.A., Zhdanova Zh.S., Ryabchikova A.A., Solovyova L.V., Vovk Ya.R., Dauletova Z.D., Ponomarenko T.N., Maksimov M.L.
Dynamics of symptoms in outpatients with SARS-CoV2 infection
№4 / 2024
S.V. Zakharov, A.Yu. Savchenko
Therapeutic horizons of indirect oral anticoagulants
№14 / 2023
I.B. Zhurtova, A.M. Gubachikova, L.S. Aramisova, H.A. Abdul Moati, L.A. Anaeva
Metabolic effects of metformin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and new coronavirus infection
№12 / 2023
L.S. Aramisova, I.B. Zhurtova, A.M. Gubachikova
Diabetes mellitus and new coronavirus infection: a look into the past, conclusions on prevention and treatment tactics for the future
№12 / 2023
R.A. Bontsevich, Ya.R. Vovk, V.A. Vinyukov, D.G. Dubonosova
Preferences of Belgorod primary care phycisians in the treatment of a new coronavirus infection
№10 / 2022

Бионика Медиа