New Directions Of Drugs Milgamma And Milgamma Compositum Use In The Diabetes Mellitus
V.V. Dengin С. 3236
New directions of drugs Milgamma and Milgamma compositum use in the diabetes mellitus Milgamma and Milgamma compositum administration provide a wide range of favorable therapeutic effects: neuropathic pain relief, prevention of retinopathy progression, the elimination of oxidative stress in retina, brain, kidneys tissues, reducing endothelial dysfunction and endothelial apoptosis, lipid metabolism improvement, glucose metabolism normalization in patients with diabetes mellitus. This defines a favorable effect Milgamma and Milgamma compositum on the development of macro- and microvascular complications of diabetes. In addition to diabetes, these drugs administration favorably influence on course of uremia, including patients on dialysis, and may be useful in a number of other states, accompanied by thiamine deficiency.