Personalization of the rehabilitation program for patients with degenerative dystrophic spine disease in the form of pain, muscle-tonic and tunnel syndromes


Panteleev E.V., Matveev S.V.

Department of Physical Methods of Treatment and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Pavlov University, St. Petersburg, Russia
Background. The prevalence of degenerative-dystrophic spine pathology, resistance to available methods of conservative and surgical treatment, and tendency to relapse prove the prospects of searching and implementing differentiated programs for medical rehabilitation of patients with this disease.
Objective. Improvement and increase the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with DDSD.
Methods. Various types of treatment for 33 patients with dorsopathy, advanced osteochondrosis, complicated by scoliotic deformity and instability of the spinal motion segment SMS), manifested by pain, poor posture, muscle-tonic syndrome, limitation of movements in the limbs or parts of the spine and carpal tunnel syndrome in the period 2016–2000.
Results. When analyzing the dynamics of the summary assessment of the condition of patients in the group without treatment, there was no dynamics of the condition; with the use of drug therapy, the dynamics of the summary assessment of the condition significantly improved; with the use of manual therapy and acupuncture, the dynamics of the summary assessment of the patients’ condition significantly improved.
Conclusion. The most effective type of treatment is considered to be courses of manual therapy and acupuncture, which make it possible to relieve not only pain and muscle-tonic syndrome, but also tunnel syndrome, as well as reliably level out postural disorders, limitation of movements in the limbs or parts of the spine.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Evgeny V. Panteleev, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Teaching Assistant at the Department of Physical Methods of Treatment and Sports Medicine, Faculty of Postgraduate Education, Pavlov University, St. Petersburg, Russia;

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