Possibilities Of Objective Improvement Of The Results Of Chronic Viral Hepatitis Therapy With The Drug Heptral

A.A. Jakovlev, S.I. Kotljarov

Possibilities of objective improvement of the results of chronic viral hepatitis therapy with the drug Heptral
The problem of optimization of pathogenic and etiotropic therapy of chronic viral hepatitis is discussed. Cholestatic syndrome is one of the main manifestations of the chronic viral diseases. Article includes authors’ data on the effectiveness of ademetionine (Heptral) in 53 patients with chronic viral hepatitis B and C. The study showed that graded treatment with Heptral as a part of pathogenic therapy (intravenous during 10-14 day, then per os in tabulates 800 mg a day during 4 weeks) contribute to quick resolution of cholestasis. The possibilities of using Heptral in the combination with antiviral therapy in the treatment of chronic viral hepatitis is discussed.

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