Psychoimmunologic Studies In Modern Psychiatry (review Of The Materials Of The Xlviii International Neuro-psychiatric Congress)
Yu.A. Alexandrovsky, K.V. Kazanceva, R.V. Achapkin С. 812
Psychoimmunologic studies in modern psychiatry (review of the materials of the XLVIII International Neuro-Psychiatric Congress) The main theme of the International XLVIII Nevrol-Psychiatric Congress, 2008, June, 18-21, Pula (Croatia), was psyhoimmunology - actual interdisciplinary research field, assessing the interaction of the nervous and immune systems. The reports and communications submitted to the Congress encompassed a number of studies of the role of immunological disturbances in the pathogenesis and pathophysiology of schizophrenia and affective disorders as well as general questions for principles and mechanisms of bi-directional interaction between the nervous and immune systems, in which the special role played cytokines and chemokines.