Rational Therapy And Modern Principles Of Diagnostics Of Iron-deficient States In Obstetric And Gynecological Practice

A.L. Tichomirov, S.I. Sarsania

Rational therapy and modern principles of diagnostics of iron-deficient states in obstetric and gynecological practice
The article details the current state of problem of anemia and iron deficiency anemia (IDA) in obstetrics and gynecology. It has been established that the IDA is the third most common cause of temporary disability among women aged 15-44 years. The data for the epidemiology of IDA, the mechanisms of iron metabolism, etiology of IDA, clinical presentations of the disease, the principles of its diagnosis, prevention and treatment are presented. It is noted that the Ferretab drug, widely used by the authors for the treatment and prevention of IDA in gynecologic patients, conform to modern requirements for iron preparations. The authors consider Ferretab characteristics and application rules.

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