The role of biofeedback in clinical practice


Bobova A.V., Mazankina E.V., Trukhanova I.G.

1) Doctor Bobova Clinic, Samara, Russia; 2) Department of General and Clinical Psychology, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia; 3) Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Emergency Care, Institute of Professional Education, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia
Objective. Evaluation of the role of using biofeedback (BFB) in clinical practice.
Methods. A search for medical literature in Cochrane, Medline (part of the PubMed search system), Еlibrary databases using text search requests “biofeedback”, “biofeedback and psycho-emotional disorders”, “virtual reality technologies”, “biofeedback and virtual reality technologies” was conducted.
Results. Currently, the study of the biofeedback method, which makes it possible to achieve control over the state of the human body or its functions through the formation of temporary connections and interactions at the subcortical-cortical levels is the most promising and high-demand. The involvement of virtual reality (VR) programs in biofeedback methods makes it possible to develop new innovative technologies aimed at improving the patient’s psycho-emotional state and reducing stress levels.
An example of a new and interesting technique is a unique development - the ReviSide hardware-software complex and software for it, designed to stabilize the emotional state using VR-based biofeedback method. It is based on a mindfulness method: focusing on current sensations allows зpatient to change virtual weather conditions, maintaining the required breathing rate. Achieving optimal breathing rate provides relaxation and relief from mental stress.
Conclusion. The use of this method ensures relaxation and stabilization of the emotional state of patients, which allows optimizing the treatment algorithm for patients through the development of a personalized approach.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Alena V. Bobova, General Practitioner, Doctor Bobova Clinic, Samara Russia;

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