Effectiveness of oseltamivir in the prevention and treatment of influenza in children

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/pharmateca.2023.1-2.171-176

E.B. Belan, E.M. Nikiforova

Volgograd State Medical University, Department of Immunology and Allergology, Volgograd, Russia
Oseltamivir is an inhibitor of influenza virus neuraminidase and suppresses the reproduction of pathogen subtypes A and B. The drug contributes to reduction of the duration of influenza symptoms (febrile, headache, cough), and also reduces the incidence of complications (otitis media, etc.) in children aged 0–18 years. The effectiveness of oseltamivir has not been confirmed in influenza against the background of bronchial asthma and/or the drug is prescribed later than 48 hours from the onset of the disease. The drug is an independent means of chemoprophylaxis of influenza in persons who have been in contact with infected people.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Eleonora B. Belan, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Immunology and Allergology, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia; belan.eleonora@yandex.ru; ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2674-4289 

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