Laser therapy and phototherapy for rosacea


Yu.I. Matushevskaya

Lyubertsy Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Lyubertsy, Moscow Region, Russia
Rosacea is a non-communicable dermatological disease of middle age that requires long-term and often life-long treatment. The debut of the disease begins with minor clinical manifestations, such as centrofacial transient erythema or conjunctivitis, which is not conside- red by patients as a need to see a doctor. Early therapy prevents chronicity of the process and the development of severe forms, such as papulopustular rosacea, ophthalmic rosacea and phimosis. One of the methods of rosacea therapy is physiotherapy, including laser therapy, cryotherapy, darsonvalization, electrophoresis, electrocoagulation, pulse therapy, inductothermy, phototherapy of vascular pathology, etc. This review presents the main mechanisms of the action of laser light on human skin and systematizes data on its use in various forms of rosacea.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Yuliya I. Matushevskaya, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Chief Physician, Lyubertsy Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Lyubertsy, Moscow Region, Russia;; ORCID:

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