Autonomic Dysfunction And Chronic Kidney Disease In Metabolic Syndrome: Principles Of Therapy
E. Gornostayeva, E. Shilov, E. Akarachkova, S. Shvarkov С. 4448
Long-term studies of the metabolic syndrome (MS) suggest significant disorders in many organs and systems of patient's body. We analyzed the literature data from and the results of our study, which included 44 patients with MS and with or without kidney damage, aimed to identify the main problems to be solved in the process of treatment of such patients. The majority of patients with kidney damage have large excessive activity of the sympathetic nervous system compared with patients without kidney damage. This indicates a lack of effectiveness of the adaptive and compensatory mechanisms, significant overstrain of regulatory systems that lead to increase the risk of sudden death compared with patients with MS and unaffected renal function. These disorders require correction of medications, aimed to different links of the pathogenesis of MS: existing metabolic disorders, damage of target organs, and emotional patient's state.