Cognitive Disturbances In Vascular Cerebral Disorders: Clinics, Diagnostics, Treatment

V.V. Zacharov С. 3237

Cognitive disturbances in vascular cerebral disorders: clinics, diagnostics, treatment
Cognitive impairments are the one of the most common and disabling manifestations of cerebrovascular insufficiency. They often develop due to stroke and dyscirculatory encephalopathy. Cognitive disorders are the fundamental symptom reflecting the severity of vascular cerebral lesions after chronic insufficiency of cerebral circulation. The most common "frontal" type cognitive impairments are concentration, intellectual processes, and spatial praxis disorders. They are usually accompanied by temper tantrum, emotional lability and irritability. Memory suffers to a lesser extent, what distinguishes the cognitive impairment in dyscirculatory encephalopathy from neurodegenerative process. Treatment of vascular cognitive impairments should be directed to the main cardiovascular disease, as well as to optimization of cerebral microcirculation and neurometabolic processes.

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