Mechanisms of atrial remodeling in patients with atrial fibrillation and their relationship with the effectiveness of various treatment methods
Tarasov A.V., Karakiyan A.A., Povarov V.O.
1) National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disorders and Electrical Pacing, Moscow, Russia;
2) Ryazan Regional Cardiology Dispensary of the Ministry of Health of the Ryazan Region, Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disorders and Electrical Pacing, Ryazan, Russia
Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the most common type of tachyarrhythmia among patients with a cardiology profile. AF causes significant changes in the atrial myocardium – remodeling. The concept of atrial remodeling includes changes at several main levels: electrical remodeling, mechanical remodeling, structural remodeling, as well as endocrine and vegetative changes. Modern interventional methods of treating AF demonstrate high efficiency, provide «freedom from arrhythmia» in the long term and improve tolerance of relapses. Long-term persistence of AF reduces the chances of success of catheter treatment methods due to electrical, mechanical and structural remodeling of the atria. Perhaps, upon achieving reverse remodeling of the atria after restoration and maintenance of the rhythm, these chances will increase significantly. This issue currently remains open and requires additional research.
About the Autors
Corresponding author: Aleksey V. Tarasov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Surgical Treatment of Complex Heart Rhythm Disorders and Electrical Pacing, Head of the Clinic of Therapeutic Arrhythmology, National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Moscow, Russia;
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