Current trends in self-monitoring of glycemic levels
Koteshkova O.M., Antsiferov M.B., Antsiferova D.M.
1) Endocrinology Dispensary of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
2) Russian Medical Academy of Continuous Professional Education, Moscow, Russia
Ensuring control of diabetes mellitus (DM) is impossible without self-monitoring by the patient, which does not lose its relevance in modern conditions. Recommendations for the management of diabetic patients are updated annually, more modern approaches to self-monitoring of glycemia are developed, innovative glucometers are introduced, including systems with a mobile application. The article presents innovative trends in glycemic monitoring using intelligent mobile applications that allow for more effective, including remote, DM management.
About the Autors
Corresponding author: Olga M. Koteshkova, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Head of the Department of Diabetes Education and Treatment, Endocrinology Dispensary of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
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