Approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of patients with stage III–IV non-small cell lung cancer in Russia. Preliminary results of a retrospective multicenter non-interventional observational study


Reutova E.V., Laktionov K.K.

National Medical Research Center for Oncology n.a. N.N. Blokhin, Moscow, Russia
Background. To understand current practices in the diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer (LC) in the Russian Federation, a retrospective analysis of data in Russian routine clinical practice was conducted.
Objective. Evaluation of the key aspects of diagnosis and treatment of advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in real practice based on data from a retrospective study. Retrospective analysis of the approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of advanced NSCLC available in practical oncopulmonology.
Methods. We analyzed 800 patient records of patients treated for locally advanced or metastatic NSCLC at 29 centers between November 1, 2020 and March 1, 2022.
Results. Molecular genetic studies were performed to varying extents: of 244 (47.4%, 244/514) patients with adenocarcinoma, activating mutations in the EGFR gene were determined in 90.2% (220/244) of patients, ALK translocations were determined in 68.9 (168/244); ROS-1 – in 52.9% (129/244), mutations in the BRAF V600E gene – in 39.3% (202/244), KRAS – in 13.5% (33/244). Immunohistochemical testing to determine the PD-L1 expression level was performed in 44% (226/514) of patients. In the first line of therapy, 153/514 (29.8%) patients with unresectable stage III NSCLC received chemoradiotherapy (CRT), of which 82% (125/153) received sequential CRT. Initially, chemotherapy (CT) was prescribed to 64.7% (333/514) of patients with stage IV NSCLC. 156 (30.4%) of 514 patients received immuno-oncology drugs in the first line, and 25 (50%) of 50 patients with identified activating mutations received targeted drugs. 145 (28.2%) of 514 patients received second line drug therapy. Of these, chemotherapy – 84 patients with NSCLC, immunotherapy – 55 out of 145 patients, mainly in the form of monoimmunotherapy (83.6%, 46/55), targeted therapy – 6 patients.
Conclusion. The results obtained provide a comprehensive understanding of approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of locally advanced and metastatic NSCLC in the Russian Federation. The data obtained during the study reflect real practice and can be used in solving current problems of practical oncopulmonology.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Elena V. Reutova, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Oncologist, Senior Researcher at the Department of Antitumor Drug Therapy No. 3, National Medical Research Center of Oncology n.a. N.N. Blokhin, Moscow, Russia;

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