Cold season: the potential of vitamin-mineral complexes in the prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections


Trukhan D.I., Rozhkova M.Yu., Ivanova D.S., Goloshubina V.V.

Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia
Acute viral infections are widespread poorly controlled diseases, which are characterized by a moderately pronounced constant increase in morbidity. On average, an adult suffers from 2 to 4 colds during the year, a child gets sick from 6 to 9 times. The use of vitamin-mineral complexes (nutraceuticals) for nonspecific prevention and treatment of acute respiratory viral infections (ARVI) is experiencing a
“second youth” due to new data accumulated during the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19) pandemic. As part of the review, we examined the possible impact of a deficiency of the zinc, selenium and vitamins A, C, E on various aspects of the course of ARVI: nonspecific prevention, treatment and rehabilitation. We searched for relevant sources in the PubMed and Scopus information databases, including the time period up to 02/29/2024. The data presented in the review allow to recommend determining the of selenium, zinc, vitamins A, C, E levels in patients of this category, and if their reduced levels are detected, it is advisable to consider the prescribing vitamin-mineral complexes in order to eliminate the deficiency of basic micronutrients. The presence of 2 forms of the vitamin-mineral complex Selzinc®, Selzinc Plus® and Selzinc Ultra Flu®, in the practitioner’s arsenal at the outpatient stage of medical care will improve the effectiveness of treatment, as well as prevention and rehabilitation of patients with acute respiratory viral infections during the cold season.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Dmitry I. Trukhan, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Associate Professor, Professor at the Department of Outpatient Therapy and Internal Medicine, Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia;

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