On certain problems of diagnosis, treatment and prospects for the rehabilitation of patients with circulatory diseases after coronavirus infection COVID-19 (literature review)

DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/pharmateca.2023.9-10.32-38

E.I. Bugaeva, K.V. Zhmerenetsky, S.V. Dyachenko

1) City Clinical Hospital n.a. Prof. A.M. Voyno-Yasenetsky, Khabarovsk, Russia; 2) Far Eastern State Medical University, Khabarovsk, Russia
The review presents the current problems of the combination of a new coronavirus infection COVID-19 and circulatory diseases. The results of studies on the indicated problem, the complexity of patient management, the combination of viral infection and concomitant pathology of the cardiovascular system are discussed. Data on the features of antiviral therapy in combination with cardiovascular drugs were analyzed. Assessment of the quality of life of patients after coronavirus infection using the Russian version of the “Medical Outcomes Study – Short Forms” questionnaire, will make it possible to clarify the tactics of medical and social rehabilitation of patients in this group.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Elena I. Bugaeva, City Clinical Hospital n.a.. Prof. A.M. Voyno-Yasenetsky, Khabarovsk, Russia; bugayeva.1975@list.ru

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