Inefficiency of topical therapy in acne patients: modern ways of solution


N.N. Nikolaeva, I.O. Malova, A.Yu. Chashchin

1) Center for Psychological Counseling and Cosmetology LLC “BEAUTY-MEDEXPERT”, Irkutsk, Russia; 2) Department of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Background. Currently, there are many patients with acne who independently cancel the topical treatment prescribed by the doctor because of their own opinion about its inefficiency. In this regard, the study of the reasons for the failure of topical acne therapy, as well as ways to improve therapeutic efficacy, is of particular relevance.
Objective. Evaluation of the attitude of patients with acne to topical therapy (their satisfaction, reasons for self-cessation of topical therapy) and analysis of the possibility of increasing the effectiveness of topical treatment with a combination of drugs and a psychotherapy program developed taking into account the results of studying the personality of a patient with acne.
Methods. The study involved 100 patients with mild to moderate acne aged 14 to 18 years (mean age 16.2±1.6 years) who applied to a dermatologist because of dissatisfaction with previous topical therapy. All patients had previously received repeated courses of topical therapy and, for one reason or another, stopped treatment on their own. The study was conducted using a questionnaire.
Results. The use of topical monotherapy was considered ineffective by 81 (81%) patients. 84 (84%) patients independently canceled topical medicines prescribed by a doctor. The main reasons for withdrawal were the lack of information about the mechanism of action of the drug and the need for its use (67% patients), as well as the expectation of quick results (25% patients). On the example of a clinical case, the expediency of an integrated approach to improving the effectiveness of treatment through a combination of topical drug therapy and psychological correction has been demonstrated.
Conclusion. The use of a comprehensive therapeutic program, including topical acne therapy and psychological correction, allows to increase the effectiveness of treatment and improve the psychological status of the patient.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Natalya N. Nikolaeva, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Master of Psychology, Cosmetologist, Psychologist, Director of the Center for Psychological Counseling and Cosmetology LLC «BEAUTY-MEDEXPERT», Irkutsk, Russia;

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