Post-stroke speech disorders: clinical benefits of using memantine


M.Yu. Maksimova, A.S. Airapetova

Scientific Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia
The prevalence of speech disorders in stroke patients reaches 15–50%. The speech process is provided by the cortical-subcortical dominant neural system surrounding the lateral sulcus in the dominant hemisphere. Focal changes in this neural network cause cha- racteristic syndromes of speech disorders. The development of strategies aimed at improving the effectiveness of the treatment of post-stroke speech disorders is extremely important in achieving partial or complete functional independence of patients, restoring the quality of life, returning to work, and also in preventing subsequent cognitive decline. The main goal of the pharmacological treatment of post-stroke aphasia includes the stimulation of neuroplasticity processes by modulating the activity of neurotransmitter systems. The use of memantine in combination with the available neurorehabilitation techniques can increase the effectiveness of the treatment of post-stroke aphasia, reduce the number of patients disabled due to speech disorders, improve their quality of life and long-term prognosis.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Marina Yu. Maksimova, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the 2nd Neurological Department, Scientific Center of Neurology, Moscow, Russia;

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