Gender features of the axiological orientation of the personality of medical workers


T.I. Bonkalo, A.V. Romanova, M.B. Salamatov, M.A. Kovaleva

1) Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia; 2) Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia; 3) Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia; 4) Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow, Russia; 5) Moscow University of Technology and Management n.a. K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia
Background. The relevance of the study of the axiological orientation of the personality of medical workers is attributable to the transi- tion of healthcare to a value-oriented model, which requires studying the axiosphere of the personality of a doctor and a patient.
Objective. Identification of the gender features of the axiological orientation of the personality of medical workers.
Methods. A total of 69 doctors participated in the study, 35 men and 34 women aged 40–52 years. The selection of respondents was not influenced by length of work or branch of medicine. The technique of A.V. Kaptsov and L.V. Karpushina, aimed at identifying the features of the axiological orientation of the personality was used in the study used. Statistical research methods included the calculation of arithmetic mean values, representation errors, as well as the Mann-Whitney U-test.
Results. A significant similarity in the axiological orientation of the personality of male and female doctors manifested in their identical
assessment of the humanistic and pragmatic significance of the values of different spheres of life was revealed. It has been established that the needs of both male and female doctors are satisfied only in professional activities, while in the field of family relations, hobbies, education and social life there are significant discrepancies between their humanistic ideas and the possibilities of their practical imple- mentation in life. The unmet needs of doctors can be considered as the basis for psychological support for the further development of their personality.
Conclusion. The necessity of the development and implementation of targeted programs for the formation and development of the axiological orientation of personality among medical workers in medical institutions in the conditions of transition to the value-oriented model of medical services is demonstrated.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Tatyana I. Bonkalo, Dr. Sci. (Psychol.), Professor, Research Institute of Healthcare Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department (Moscow); Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia;

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