Clinical case of pachydermodactyly in an adolescent


A.Yu. Rodin

Volgograd State Medical University, Department of Dermatovenereology, Volgograd, Russia
Background. Pachydermodactyly is a very rare interdisciplinary pathology of the soft tissues of the phalanges of the hands without subjective sensations, which occurs in adolescence, possibly associated with mechanical irritation of the periarticular tissues against the background of obsessive or habitual movements with rubbing the skin or the habit of locking the hands together. At the same time, neither bone nor articular pathology is detected. Differential diagnosis with juvenile idiopathic arthritis is required.
Description of the clinical case. A clinical case of pachydermodactyly in a 16-year-old adolescent is presented. Against the back- ground of therapy with sodium thiosulfate, rectal suppositories with longidase, electrophoresis with hydrocortisone, vitamin E, and topical steroids a slight positive clinical effect was noted.
Conclusion. In our opinion, the described observation is of interest to clinicians due to the extreme rarity of this nosological form, and also as an interdisciplinary problem (dermatology–rheumatology–pediatrics–orthopedics).

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Alexey U. Rodin, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Regional Clinical Hospital № 1; Department of Dermatovenereology, Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd;; ORCID:; eLibrary SPIN: 7963-3380

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