Experience Of Selective Non-steroid Anti-inflammatory Drug Nise Use In Diagnostics And Treatment Of Dysmenorrhea In Girls

E.V. Uvarova, I.G. Gainova

Experience of selective non-steroid anti-inflammatory drug Nise use in diagnostics and treatment of dysmenorrhea in girls
We present current data on classifications, mechanisms of development and diagnosis of dysmenorrhea. The results for assessment and treatment analysis of 197 women with dysmenorrhea are presented. This make it possible to characterize the structure of dysmenorrhea in adolescents, pain syndrome particular characteristics, and the dynamics of pain syndrome relief at a provocation test by selective non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug Nise (nimesulide). These results demonstrate the importance of differentiated approach to diagnosis and treatment of dysmenorrhea, including the various hormonal and nonhormonal drugs administration for the management of various disease manifestations in girls.

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