Experience Of Incritinomimetic Exenatide (byetta) Use In The Treatment Of Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus With Obesity

M.B. Anciferov, O.M. Koteshkova, V.V. Sitnikov, O.A. Mityaeva, L.P. Pashinceva, T.A. Budanceva, E.A. Ivanova

Experience of incritinomimetic exenatide (Byetta) use in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus with obesity
Diabetes mellitus type 2 (CD2) is often accompanied by cardiovascular disease (CVD), having identical mechanisms of development. Risk factors for rapid development and progression of CVD include hypertension, noncompensated DM, and dyslipidemia. Therefore it is of critical importance that the modern drugs used in diabetes management not only had a high therapeutic activity in relation to glycemia, but also had effect on blood pressure (BP) and dyslipidemia. These drugs include incretinomimetic exenatide (Byetta), which has pancreatic and extrapancreatic mechanisms of action. Exenatide has glucose-dependent insulinotropic effect on beta-cells of pancreas, improving two-phase insulin secretion. It also reduces the secretion of glucagon by the alpha-cells of the pancreas, resulting in decreased production of glucose by the liver, especially in the postprandial period. The extrapancreatic effects of the drug include: delayed gastric emptying, appetite suppression, decrease of blood pressure level, increase of high-density lipoprotein level and decrease of cholesterol, triglycerides, and low density lipoprotein levels, and decrease in body weight. Exenatide administration open new possibilities in the treatment of type 2 diabetes and allow avoiding the development of CVD.

Бионика Медиа