Dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization among medical students
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18565/pharmateca.2023.1-2.240-246
T.I. Bonkalo, S.V. Shmeleva, E.V. Aralova, M.A. Kovaleva, M.V. Eremin
1) Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management of the MoscowHealthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;
2) Moscow University of Technology and Management n.a. K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia;
3) Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia
Background. The problem of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students is analyzed. For 1st-year students, the desire for the most complete identification and development of personal capabilities is carried out primarily by obtaining information about themselves and a favorable attitude towards themselves; for 4th -year students – by a positive attitude towards themselves, self-confidence and the ability to accept themselves as they really are on the basis of real and deep knowledge about themselves.
Objective. Determination of the dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students in the process of their education at the university.
Methods. The on-line study was carried out. Study included 530 students of medical universities in Russia, of which 320 were 1st-year students and 210 – 4th-year students. Two diagnostic methods were used: the CAT method (the Russian version of the POI (Personal Orientation Inventory) method, E. Shostrom) and the Self-Attitude Test (V.V. Stolin, S.R. Pantileev). The main research method was the cross-sectional method. Statistical methods included the Mann-Whitney U-test (for unconjugated samples) and the Spearman rank correlation method.
Results. Differences in terms of independence of values and judgments, the ability to express their thoughts and feelings spontaneously and directly, as well as in terms of self-interest and self-accusation were revealed between groups of 1st- and 4th-year medical students. Differences between groups are also manifested in the nature of the relationship between self-actualization and self-attitude of students.
Conclusion. In general, the results of the study indicate the development of the traits of a self-actualizing personality in future doctors in the process of their studies at the university; it was found, however, that many medical students are characterized by a decrease in sensitivity to problems and creativity, which can be attributable to both subjective and objective factors. The revealed dynamics of the relationship between self-attitude and self-actualization of medical students determines the feasibility of organizing special training sessions with students – future doctors, focused on helping them in self-development and self-actualization.
About the Autors
Corresponding author: Maria A. Kovaleva, Cand. Sci. (Psychol.), Moscow University of Technology and Management n.a. K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia; 89151479832@mail.ru
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