Mechanisms of professional-identification destructions in students with disabilities in the process of their study at the university


T.I. Bonkalo, E.V. Plekhanova, E.D. Bakulina, A.N. Vakulenko

1) Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia; 2) Russian University of Transport, Moscow, Russia; 3) Russian State Social University, Moscow, Russia; 4) Moscow State University of Technology and Management n.a. K.G. Razumovsky, Moscow, Russia
Background. The problem of professional training of persons with disabilities and health limitations as competitive specialists is ana- lyzed. The emphasis is made on the features of their professional identification.
Objective. Identification of the mechanisms of the occurrence of professional identification destruction in students with disabilities. Methods. The study involved 38 students with disabilities and health limitations studying in Russian universities. The study was carried out using the «Professional Identity Statuses» methodology. In students with disabilities as future specialists, an assessment of the ideas of about the «ideal» and «real» behavioral styles in interpersonal interaction was performed.
Results. The necessity and advisability of including special measures aimed at blocking the processes of disorientation and maladapta- tion as mechanisms for the emergence and development of professional identification destructions at the initial stages of professional training of people with disabilities have been identified.
Conclusion. Without carrying out activities, all measures taken to improve the quality of higher inclusive education can be nullified due to the lack of adequate understanding of professional future and the world of professions among people with disabilities.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Tatyana I. Bonkalo, Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Moscow, Russia;

Бионика Медиа