Treatment of diaper dermatitis in children


I.V. Khamaganova, O.V. Zhukova, A.Yu. Vasilyeva, A.G. Modnova, M.V. Maksimova, V.N. Krasnikova

1) Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia; 2) Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatovenereology and Cosmetology, Moscow, Russia
Background. Diaper dermatitis (DD) is one of the most common diseases in children of the first year of life.
Objective. Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of the use of 5% dexpanthenol in the form of an ointment in DD.
Methods. 22 children with manifestations of diaper dermatitis aged 5 to 11 months were followed-up, the duration of the disease was from 1 to 5 weeks.
Results. During treatment, the dermatological index of the DD symptom scale decreased from 16 to 2.
Conclusion. The study showed the high efficacy and safety of dexpanthenol. The data obtained allow to recommend the use of 5% dexpanthenol in the form of an ointment in DD.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Irina V. Khamaganova, Professor, Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia, irina.khamaganova@

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