Found: 6745 articles

Article Edition
M.A. Kochetkov, N.V. Griazeva, A.A. Kolody
Acne – a modern view on the problem
№8 / 2019
A.V. Igoshina (1), V.V. Bondarenko (1), N.V. Gryazeva (3)
Laser technologies for post-acne scar correction
№8 / 2019
N.V. Bochkova (1, 2), N.E. Manturova (3)
The efficacy of photodynamic therapy in the correction of involutive skin changes
№8 / 2019
R.I. Khaliullin (1), S.I. Surkichin (2)
The combined use of fractional laser and blepharoplasty in the correction of involutive changes in the periorbital region
№8 / 2019
D.F. Kashevarov
Comorbidity in localized scleroderma: original clinical study
№8 / 2019
A.V. Ignatovsky
Scleroatrophic lichen in women: improvement of methods for an objective assessment of clinical manifestations and therapy
№8 / 2019
T.V. Rubasheva, N.S. Sirmays, V.P. Kovalyk
The experience of using orthonix braces in the treatment of nail mycosis
№8 / 2019
S.G. Makarova (1, 2), N.N. Murashkin (1), V. Akhmad (3), R.V. Epishev (1), M.A. Snovskaya (1), T.R. Chumbadze (1), O.A. Ereshko (1), D.S. Yasakov (1), L.A. Opryatin (1), A.A. Savelova (1), R.A. Ivanov (1), D.V. Fedorov (1)
Cow’s milk protein allergy in children with epidermolysis bullosa
№8 / 2019
E.A. Shatokhina, L.S. Kruglova, A.S. Polonskaya
Diffuse alopecia: triggers and treatment
№8 / 2019
L.R. Plieva, E.S. Fomina
Eosinophilic cellulitis as a manifestation of hypereosinophilic syndrome
№8 / 2019
L.S. Kruglova (1), A.V. Pushkina (1), A.A. Khotko (2)
Psoriasis and psychiatric comorbidity
№8 / 2019
I.A. Ilovaiskaya (1, 2)
Difficult patient with acromegaly: expanding horizons of opportunities
№14 / 2019

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