Found: 3 articles

Article Edition
Bulgakova S.V., Sharonova L.A., Kurmaev D.P., Treneva E.V., Kosareva O.V., Dolgikh Yu.A., Merzlova P.Ya.
Relationship between sarcopenic obesity and bone density in elderly patients
№2 / 2024
Bolotina L.V.
Modern possibility of bisphosphonates use in complex treatment of hormonedependent tumors
№6 / 2010
V.E. Radzinsky, M.B. Chamoschina, I.Yu. Nevmerjitskaya, G.G. Melnikova
Three Questions About Osteoporosis In Peri- And Postmenopause: Where Is The Truth?
№14 / 2009

Бионика Медиа