Phytosterins And Cardiovascular Diseases

N.V. Perova

Phytosterins and cardiovascular diseases
It has been proved that the consumption of phytosterins in doses of 1.5-3.0 g daily in the "functional" foods leads to a decrease of plasma total cholesterol and low density lipoprotein by 10-15%. These data determine the interest of researchers to the role of phytosterins in the prevention of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and their acute complications. In this regard, there are some conflicting data obtained in studies on animal and human associated with dose-related effects of phytosterins and various accuracy and selectivity measurement techniques. In LASA (2008) epidemiological study, included random sample of 1,242 people older than 65 year in the Netherlands showed that moderate increase of plasma phytosterol levels was associated with reduction of risk for cardiovascular disease. Prospective randomized placebo-controlled clinical studies with fixed endpoints are required to confirm the effectiveness of phytosterol in the "functional" foods for the prevention of CVD and their acute complications at the level of evidence-based medicine.

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