Do All We Know About The Thiazolidinediones, Or What Pioglitazone Differs From Rosiglitazone?

A.M. Mkrtumyan

Do all we know about the thiazolidinediones, or what pioglitazone differs from rosiglitazone?
We consider the place of thiazolidinediones (TZD; pioglitazone, rosiglitazone) in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus; the mechanisms of their therapeutic action are presented. We discuss the problem of TZD safety in the light of data for adverse events for the cardiovascular system in patients receiving these drugs. Data for the some of the differences in the rosiglitazone and pioglitazone effects on metabolism of fats, which determines a more favorable lipid profile in the case of pioglitazone administration, are presented. We discuss the clinical significance of some side effects of TZD, such as weight gain, fluid retention, etc.

Бионика Медиа