Peculiarities Of Course And Treatment Of Thyroid Diseases In Women Peri-and Postmenopausal Period

T.Yu. Berketova

Peculiarities of course and treatment of thyroid diseases in women peri-and postmenopausal period
The problem of thyroid gland (TG) in women in peri- and postmenopausal period is discussed. There is a similarity between the symptoms of climacteric syndrome and symptoms of thyroid dysfunction in women in perimenopausal period that creates objective prerequisites for hyperdiagnostics of thyroid diseases. On the other side, the clinical manifestations of thyroid disease in older women often have atypical characteristic and more likely subclinical variants of the disease course compared with younger women. Prevalence of thyroid disease in women older than 50 years, and the lack of specific symptoms in most patients making more difficult diagnosis, confirm the need for timely screening and specialized examinations of menopausal women by endocrinologist.

Бионика Медиа