Comparative characteristics of the effectiveness of local anti-inflammatory drugs in the treatment of acute pharyngitis


A.Yu. Ovchinnikov, L.V. Akopyan, V.V. Vishnyakov, S.S. Yegiyan

A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
One of the most common reasons for visiting a therapist, pediatrician or otorhinolaryngologist is infectious and inflammatory diseases of the pharynx. Most often, acute respiratory viral and bacterial infections are manifested by acute pharyngitis (AP). AP is an inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall that causes sore throat, itching, and difficulty swallowing. AP occurs in all age groups. The urban population suffers from AP more often. Due to the fact that people of working age often get sick, the socio-economic significance of the problem becomes obvious. The main goal of AP treatment is to achieve relief of unpleasant subjective sensations in the pharynx and reduce inflammatory-infiltrative changes in the pharynx. In the treatment of patients with pharyngitis, local antiseptic preparations are very widely used. The objectives of our study included evaluation of the effectiveness of the local drug Strepsils® Intensive in the treatment of patients with inflammatory diseases of the pharynx and comparison of the use of Strepsils® Intensive with the traditional method of local AP treatment. Our study showed that the use of the Strepsils® Intensive contributed to an earlier regression of inflammatory-infiltrative changes in the pharyngeal mucosa, as well as a more rapid decrease in the pain according to the visual analogue scale.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Andrey Yu. Ovchinnikov, Dr. Sci. (Med.), Professor, Head of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, A.I. Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia;

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