Condition of the spine in patients with consequences of cervical spinal cord injury


F.A. Bushkov, R.G. Fu, A.K. Romanovskaya

Rehabilitation center “Overcoming”, Moscow, Russia
Objective. Assessment of the state of posture of patients after spinal cord injury (SCI) and the use of the mechano-optical topography. Methods. The study involved 40 patients with SCI at the cervical level (C5–C8 tetraplegia). The control group included 20 relatively healthy subjects matched by sex and age. The habitual posture and position of the pelvis in the «sitting» position were assessed.
Results. In the control group, cervical lordosis was 6.0 (6.0; 9.0) mm, thoracic kyphosis – 34.0 (20.0; 36.0), lumbar lordosis – 10.0 (4.0;
12.0) mm, pelvic incidence – 70 (19.0; 105.0) degree. In the main group, 16 (40%) patients had a normal posture, 24 (60%) patients had a rounded posture and a posterior pelvic tilt, while the cervical lordosis was 10.0 (6.0; 12.0) mm, thoracic kyphosis – 40.0 (32.0; 52.0), lumbar lordosis – 5.0 (3.0; 6.0) mm, pelvic incidence – 100.0 (30.0; 120.0) degree. The age of SCI in patients with anterior pelvic tilt was 3.0 (1.2; 4.5), with posterior ones – 0.5 (0.3; 1.0) years.
Conclusion. The proportion of patients with a rounded posture increases with the age of spinal cord injury; the use of mechano-optical topography requires the creation of conditions to maintain static balance.

About the Autors

Corresponding author: Fedor A. Bushkov, Cand. Sci. (Med.), Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physician, RC «Overcoming», Moscow, Russia;

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